
  • THW ban TikTok (R1, Prepared)
  • THW build social housing in high-wealth areas (R2)
  • THW abolish awards in all creative fields (e.g. Golden Globes or Oscars for film and TV, the Booker Prize or the Nobel for literature, the Hugo Boss and Turner Prizes for visual arts, etc) (R3)
  • THP a world with one dominant global power, rather than several competing global powers (R4, Prepared)
  • THW release prisoners based on their rehabilitation status, rather than set a predetermined length to their sentence (R5, Prepared)
  • THS a ban on the eating of meat (R6)
  • THW give more weight to votes of young people in referendums (Partial Octofinals)
  • Info: Expedited processes for the purpose of this debate refers to prioritizing how quickly ministerial cabinets and or parliament arrives at a decision while maximizing concensus building refers to the process of trying to get an overwhelming amount of support for decisions. THBT, in liberal democracies, heads of state or heads of federal government should prioritize expedited processes over maximizing consensus building in politics (Quarterfinals)
  • THR the increased popularity of comedy shows with journalistic content as a prominent news source (e.g. John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah etc.) (Semifinals)
  • Info: Outsourcing education is the practice of states relinquishing of control over educational services to non-governmental organisations & private agencies and only having control over the safety of students. TH as a developing country will outsource education (Final)


  • This House Supports nations actively marketing their sin cities (e.g. Ibiza, Macau, Las Vegas) as tourist destinations, rather than attempting to curtail the vices which take place in these cities. (R1, Prepared)
  • In post-conflict countries, This House Prefers the creation of a federation rather than a centralized unitary state. (R4, Prepared)
  • This House Would implement conditional cash transfer programs to encourage pro-social behaviour (e.g. sending one’s children to school, compliance with state vaccination campaigns, etc.). (R5, Prepared)


  • In the post-COVID society, This House Opposes a permanent shift to remote work becoming the norm. (R1, Prepared)
  • This House Supports power-sharing agreements in post-conflict states. (R2, Prepared)
  • THW require sports leagues (e.g. the English Premier League, National Football League) to mandate that teams field a minimum one third of players who have advanced through the team’s own developmental squads and academies. (R3)
  • This House Supports academic piracy (Sci-hub, Libgen, etc.). (R4, Prepared)
  • Info: Surrogate motherhood is a practice in which a woman (the surrogate mother) bears a child for another couple, giving away all parental rights to that child. Usually, this is done because the couple is unable to bear a child. THW legalize surrogate motherhood for profit (R5)
  • THBT primary & secondary education systems should aim to develop students’ well-rounded understanding of drug use instead of promoting abstinence. (R6)
  • In areas with high crime, THW pay gangs in return for reductions in violent crime within the areas they control. (Double Octofinals)
  • Info: Defensive architecture (also known as hostile architecture), is an urban-design strategy that uses elements of the built environment to purposefully guide or restrict behaviour in public spaces. This form of architecture is most commonly found in densely populated areas. This is often associated with studs embedded in flat surfaces or sloped window sills to stop people from sitting or lying down on them, and trash bins with inconveniently small mouths to prevent the insertion of bulky wastes. It is often employed with the aim of deterring skateboarding, littering, loitering, and public urination. THR the use of “defensive architecture” (Octofinals)
  • Info: The notion of journalistic objectivity expects journalists to report only the facts without including a personal attitude towards those facts and to not take either side of the argument or story on which they are reporting.  THBT the notion of journalistic objectivity has done more harm than good (Quarterfinals)
  • THR the social preference for positivity and optimism. (Semifinals)
  • TH welcomes the rise of the metaverse. (Grandfinal)